George Wells Fund
When George Wells died he donated $5000 from his estate.
This money was set up in TLG as the George Wells Scholarship and Teaching Fund
The purpose of this fund is:-
George Wells Fund sponsorship should be sought by contacting the TLG secretary
This money was set up in TLG as the George Wells Scholarship and Teaching Fund
The purpose of this fund is:-
- to provide financial support for teacher training and development for members of the Teachers' Liaison Group of RSCDS Sydney Branch Inc. so that they may attend a teacher training event in Australia eg an ATA course or a winter school in Australia where the teacher would be unable to attend without financial support or other teacher training and development approved by the TLG. An individual would only be eligible once every five years (unless exceptional circumstances exist). The recipient would be expected to report back to TLG and share knowledge gained eg by conducting classes or workshops
- to provide support for the development resources for dancing or teacher training
George Wells Fund sponsorship should be sought by contacting the TLG secretary
RSCDS Sydney Branch Sponsorship
Guidelines on Subsidies for Sydney Branch Members
Applying for a Subsidy
- Any current financial member of the RSCDS Sydney Branch may apply
- Any decisions on subsidies are at the discretion of the RSCDS Sydney Branch Committee
- Applicants may apply for subsidies for more than one event in a calendar year
- Application for a subsidy from RSCDS Sydney Branch does not preclude the applicant from applying for or gaining subsidies from other sources
- Youth – under 18
- Full Time Student – 18 years and under 25 years of age and currently in full time studies
- Adult – over 18
- Attendance at courses, schools or workshops run by RSCDS Sydney Branch, other RSCDS branches or Headquarters
- Attendance at courses, schools or workshops run by entities other than those stated above, that will benefit Scottish Country dancing or the management of Branch or Clubs
Applying for a Subsidy
- All communication by applicants will be through the Sydney Branch Secretary
- Applications for subsidy will be submitted in writing /email to the Sydney Branch Secretary
- The application should include a brief outline of SCD history (club attended, length of membership), contribution to SCD (club and/or branch), how this subsidy will assist them in SCD, why the committee should grant them a subsidy
- Where possible, the application should include written support from the applicants’ regular club teacher, providing details of the benefit the applicant will gain from this event
- The application should reach the secretary a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the commencement of the event
- The applicant will commit to providing a report to the committee outlining how they benefited from the event and prepare an article for SNIB on the event